‘VIRAL’ - Directed by Michael Rich, Written by Toby Canto Jr. & Nick Barragan
An auto repairman fights to survive the night after hitting a mutant creature in the road.
Dances With Films (2022) Panic Fest (2022) Nightmares Film Festival (2022) Midsummer Scream Screaming Room (2022) St. Louis International Film Festival (2022) St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase (2022) Haunted Garage's Horror Fest (2022) The Cecil County Independent Film Festival (2022)
Winner, Best Recurring Nightmare - Nightmares Film Festival Winner, Best Horror Short - Haunted Garage Horror Fest Winner, Best Makeup - St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase
Jose De Jesus Martinez as Miguel
Juan Magana as Daniel
Cammie Middleton as Mia
Tim Simek as Lyle
Adam Meir as The Monster